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The name of this organization shall be the Scotch Plains Fanwood High School Blue Raider Athletic Booster Club (Herein referred to as the Club).


Section 1 -   To encourage the athletic activities of the SPFHS students through the support of their contests by presence and spirit.

Section 2 -   To recognize athletic achievements by providing letters and plaques; to sponsor Fall, Winter, Spring and Senior Sports Awards evenings; to recognize County, Sectional and State titles.

Section 3 -   To award annually scholarships to deserving members of the graduating class who have been members of a varsity athletic team of SPFHS.

Section 4 -   To assist in the development of the athletes by providing needed equipment, appurtenances, and items deemed appropriate by the Athletic Director and Coaches in direct support of the sports programs at SPFHS.


Section 1 - The policies of this Club shall be non-commercial, non-sectarian, and non-partisan. The Club shall endorse no commercial enterprises or any candidate. The name of the Club or its officers in its official capacity shall not be used in any connection with a commercial concern or with any partisan interest or for any reason other than the regular work of the Club.

Section 2 -   The Club shall be of a service nature to the students of SPFHS, and, without seeking to direct the activities of the school or control the administration, shall, where it deemed appropriate, express its opinion, concerns and desires with regard to athletics.

Section 3 -   This Organization shall not enter into membership with other organizations, but it may unite for conference and cooperation with other organizations and agencies active in the field of student welfare.

Section 4 -   This Club shall be a not for profit entity and to file for appropriate permits annually. 


Section 1 -   Any person over the age of 18 years, interested in the objectives of this organization may become an active member upon payment of dues as provided by Section 2 of this Article.

Section 2 -   Dues for membership in the club shall be set annually by the Executive Committee. Membership is for one school year from September through June. 

Section 3 -   The membership dues are per family per year. Families of athletes of multiple sports, and/or multiple athletes within the family are not required to pay additional annual dues for each individual sport or athlete. Any additional contributions to the Club will be accepted in the spirit offered.

Section 4 -   Membership dues can and will be accepted throughout the school year for all sports. 


Section 1 -   The officers of the Club shall be a President, Vice President of Administration, Vice President of Operations, Secretary and Treasurer. These officers shall be elected annually by ballot for a term of one year and shall serve until their successors are elected and installed. It is provided, however, that if there is but one candidate for any office, by motion from the floor, the election may be a voice vote.

Section 2 -   Any officer elected or appointed may be removed at any time by two-thirds vote of the membership present at a specially called meeting for this purpose. Notification to the individual of this intent must be made seven days in advance.

Section 3 -   Nominations for officers shall be voiced at the April regular meeting. Election shall be held at the May meeting and the duties of office shall be assumed at the conclusion of the May meeting.  The term of the office is from May 1st to April 30th the following year. 

Section 4 -   A vacancy that occurs in any of the offices between the annual meetings shall be filled by appointment of the Executive Committee for the unexpired term.


Section 1  - President - Club leadership, mission development, administrative liaison, executive (rule enforcing) officer.  Typically acts as liaison between the club and the school administration.  The President shall have all responsibilities for all actions taken by the Executive Board.  

Section 2 -  Vice President of Administration - Organizes the leaders of various committees involved in the administration of the club, and provides support to activities, meetings and programs sponsored by the Club. Assumes the duties of the President at meetings, events, and programs of the Club if the President is unavailable. 

Section 3 - Vice President of Operations -  Organizes the leaders of various committees involved in the operation of the club, and provides support to activities, meetings and programs sponsored by the Club. Assumes the duties of the Vice President of Administration at meetings, events and programs of the Club when the Vice President is unavailable.

Section 4 - Secretary - Records meeting minutes, sends out regular communications, compiles member contact information.  Secretary shall be responsible for setting calendars and agenda’s for all meetings.

Section 5-   Treasurer - The Treasurer shall collect and receive all monies of the Club, shall pay out monies as ordered by the Club, and shall keep an accurate record of receipts and expenditures. The Treasurer shall present a statement of account at every meeting of the Club and at other times when requested by the Executive Committee and shall make a full report at the annual meeting. The Treasurer shall be responsible for the filing of the appropriate not for profit IRS forms annually and to file for annual registration to the state Division of Consumer Affairs - Charitable Registration & Investigation Section either through his/her means or the selection of a CPA. 


Section 1 -   Regular meetings of this Club shall take place on the second Tuesday of each month from September to June, with June serving as the annual meeting. 

Section 2 -   The meeting of this Club shall be open to the public, but the privilege of holding office, making motions, debating, and voting shall be limited to members only.

Section 3 -   Five people shall constitute a quorum with at least two being members of the Executive Committee. 


Section 1 -   The Executive Committee shall consist of the officers of the Club.

Section 2 -   Meetings of the Executive Committee shall be held at the call of the President. 

Section 3 -   The Executive Committee shall be empowered to act in emergencies on behalf of the Club.


The Allocation Committee -  The Allocation Committee shall consist of the Executive Board, the Athletic Director and anyone appointed by the President. The Committee shall be responsible for recommending decisions with regards to purchases for the athletic teams using the following procedures:

  1. Varsity Coaches will be notified by mail of the funding application procedure of the club with a form to be determined by the Executive Committee. 

  2. All requests for funds must be sent to the President of the Club by the March meeting for review by the Allocation Committee, for a decision to be recommended to the full membership for decision at the April meeting.

  3. Once the Club Membership finalizes the allocation of funds, the Coaches are responsible for purchasing in a timely fashion. Should an approved item or items that were funded by the Club become undesirable by the coach for any reason, then the funds shall be returned in full to the Club to be re-distributed at the Club’s discretion. If the coach wishes to apply the funds that were allocated but not used to a different item or items then the coach MUST request such re-allocation of funds toward the new item(s) in writing to the Club Executive Board. Decisions to re-allocate previously allocated funds are to be handled in the following manner:

  • If the requested “swap” of funds is within the original amount of the award, the decision to re-allocate funds is to be made by a majority vote by the general membership at the next regular Club meeting.

  • No swap shall be approved by either the Executive Committee or the general membership where the new allocation of funds exceeds the amount of the original allocation of funds.

Scholarship Committee - The Scholarship Committee will consist of 3 Club members, appointed by the President.  The Scholarship Committee will communicate and coordinate timeline and application process for the various scholarships.  They will be responsible for reviewing and awarding all scholarships on an annual basis.  They will present to the general membership their decisions on awards at the May meeting.

Fundraising Committee - The Fundraising Committee is responsible for raising funds to insure the financial viability and stability of the organization. The Committee may host fundraising events throughout the year and provide updates to the general members at monthly meetings.

Membership Committee - The Membership Committee is responsible for supporting membership growth by actively recruiting, retaining, and engaging members. Members of the committee identify potential new members, contact lapsed members, and engage current members. A membership or recruitment officer hosts regular social events and membership drives to attract potential volunteers and permanent members.


Section 1 -   For any scholarship which the Booster club administers on behalf of another person or entity the Booster club shall administer such additional scholarships based on the criteria set forth below and any additional criteria set forth in a Clarifying Document which is attached to these bylaws as such:

  1. The candidate or candidates shall be selected by a scholarship committee of 3 members appointed by the President, none of whom shall have a child applying for the award.

  2. The committee shall take into consideration any and all requirements and criteria as set forth and established by the person or entity for which the Booster Club is administering the scholarship.  

  3. For any scholarship sponsored by an outside party, all paperwork and funds will need to be provided to the scholarship committee by December 1st in order to allow time for all documents to be drafted and to ensure fulfillment of the scholarship.

  4. The committee shall consult with the appropriate high school personnel and other organizations or personnel who may provide information that may assist in the selection of candidates, including coach, coaches, teachers and administrators who may give information regarding sportsmanship, character, and other pertinent information.

  5. A report listing candidate or candidates with reasons for selection shall be presented at the May meeting by the scholarship committee.

  6. To be eligible for this scholarship, candidates must satisfy the committee that their plans contemplate the completion of a higher education program.

  7. The dollar amount of any of these scholarship awards may vary from year to year and are contingent upon funding of the scholarship by the person or entity for which the Booster Club is administering the scholarship.

  8. The scholarship shall be made payable to the school of the recipient's choice, unless circumstances deem it be in the best interests of all concerned that the monies be made payable to the student and his/her family. If the Executive Committee deems this to be the case, the check will be payable to the student and his parent and/or guardian. A receipt will be required with both the student and parent/guardian signatures.

  9. The scholarship is to be presented annually by either a) the representative of the person or entity for which the Booster Club is administering the scholarship or b) the President of the Booster Club or a member of the Scholarship committee as determined by the Executive Committee.


Section 1 -   It is the intent of this Club to be fully solvent at the end of the fiscal term and to setup funds to initiate a sound startup for the incoming Executive Board. To that end, wish list appropriations will be allocated based on needs, with a minimum $5,000 startup account for operating expenses. This account will be transferred to the incoming Treasurer.


Section 1 -   The Rules contained in "Roberts Rules of Order, Revised" shall govern the Club in cases which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with these by-laws. 


Section 1 -   These by-laws may be amended at any regular meeting of the Club by a two-thirds vote of the members present, providing the proposed amendment has been submitted in writing at the previous regular meeting.

Constitution and Bylaws: Text
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